Saturday, November 22, 2014

Listen to your own Voice, Everything else is background noise.

People in a state of confusion tend to ask more and more people for their advice. Even if they don't ask, as soon as other people sense the confusion, they feel compelled to give advice.

For all the people advising one way, there will be enough number of people advising you the other way. So the more you ask, the more confused you become! In all that chaos, you forget that there is a voice inside of you that desperately wants you guide you! 

Listen to your own Voice, Everything else is background noise.
Imagine slowly tuning your mind radio out of that background noise of what everybody else is saying and what you've been hearing from all around you. Tune in to your inner voice. If you don't hear anything, stay there. Stay till you hear it, Stay! For that voice is the only one that will set you free!

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