Everyone asks me why I like the "Enter" key on the keyboard!
Well, here is an effort to explain!
Imagine all these keys on the keyboard were people!
What would their personalities be like?... What would you hear them saying more often?
Enter Key: "Just Do it!!!" (And that's why its my favorite)
Esc key: "Oh my God! I messed it up! Just get me outta here!"
Ins Key: This one is Kabab me Haddi! Someone who likes poke their nose into the others matters!
Del key: Its the Janitor in the group who doesnt care what's there in the trash. All it knows is to throw it away.
Shift key: This one is like a parent. helping the kids to grow big (s -> S) or helping them turn into what they want to be! ( 8 -> * ) or (4 -> $)
As if it's saying " Common pumpkin, you can do it! Let me help you getting there!"
Alt: Lazy nerdy fella! .. you dont use it much but when you use it, most of the times it works with all the other nerdy keys like F4 and F1. And we hardly know any of those shortCuts! Only the nerdy ones know!
Ctrl key: This is the Chupa Rustum!.. It doesnt print anything when pressed, but has a lot going on in there!.ctrl-X, ctrl-V, ctrl -C ..... he does everyhting behind the back! You only see when things happen!
Back Space: This one is the coward fellow, who never prints anything of its own. But discourages others too and makes them withdraw!
Home key: These people are just too lazy to do anything. They just wanna leave from where they are and go home and relax watching the TV.
End Key: These people have no patience. They just want to see whats at the end, without reading the whole story, or without watching the whole movie.
Well, this is just how I see them!
Others might see them differently!
Let me know what you think those keys are saying.. feel free to add on!
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